IT Support Specialist: Adam's Pest Control

Alex Spilde was working in sales for a well-known lawn company when he received a call that would change the trajectory of his career. While he was a top performing salesperson at the time, he was looking for something more fulfilling, where employees were supported and professional development was encouraged. The call asking him to apply for a position at Adam’s Pest Control could not have come at a better time.

He joined the industry as a Pest Control Technician in 2018, and quickly gained valuable experience in problem solving, training new hires and troubleshooting problems. He finds working and interacting with people and customers most rewarding, saying, “I can't tell you how many times the customer seems surprised when I follow through with what I said I was going to do.”

After getting his feet wet as a technician, Alex applied for an IT position with Adam’s, despite having little experience for the role. He jumped at the chance to pursue his passion and was promoted to IT Support Specialist due to his familiarity with the company and his ability to absorb complex IT information like a sponge.

“If an employee is wanting a change from their job, then we are at risk of losing them anyway,” says Todd Leyse, president and CEO at Adam’s. “Why not see if you have something they are willing and capable of doing?” For Alex, this meant taking the knowledge and experience he learned as a technician and applying it to a new department, ultimately giving him a greater understanding of the company and industry as a whole.

When asked why he chooses to stay in the field, Alex had this to say: “The skills I’ve learned in the industry are transferrable to so many other roles and positions. With everything that has happened over the past 12-24 months, it’s clear that the professional pest control industry really is recession- and pandemic-proof. Plus, the use of a company vehicle doesn’t hurt!”

He attributes his career success to two main things: “First, my willingness to follow through for my customers when no one else would, and second, to Adam’s for believing in me and giving me the opportunity to explore my passion for IT.”

Alex is proof that a career in pest control is more than “just bugs.” After getting his foot in the door as a technician, his career path evolved over the years into so many new opportunities. “Pest control can be a great career path that can open many doors,” he says. “You just have to be willing to put in the time and effort.”

His career path and promotion from within is an example of the possibility that exists in the industry. With an array of opportunities available to fit a variety of interests, skills and experience, there is truly something for everyone in pest control.

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